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Christians in the Middle East today face oppression and persecution on an almost unprecedented level. Pope Francis has spoken about the seriousness of the problem many times.

March 4, 2014
"I tell you: today there are more martyrs than in the times of the Early Christians.”

The Barnabas Fund is a Christian aid organization that helps persecuted followers of Christ. A large part of their support is directed toward the Middle East, where many Christians' lives are in danger because of their faith.

Barnabas Fund
"The advance of the Islamic State has produced great terror. Some two million Syrian Christians have suffered alongside the rest of the population in the civil war.”

Unfortunately, the situation for Christians has deteriorated so badly in the Middle East that many of them are being forced to relocate. The group has launched a new initiative to rescue endangered Christians and resettle them. They call it "Operation Safe Havens.”

Their first major project is to settle Syrian Christians in Poland. Sixty families will come to the European country in the near future.

Barnabas Fund
"Once the Syrian Christians receive their visas, Barnabas Fund assists with flights to Poland and living costs for one year, while the Polish partners take responsibility for accommodation and integration within Polish society.”

The current project is just a pilot program. The group is currently working to expand it to other countries, as there are thousands of refugees from throughout the Middle East who face mortal danger on a daily basis.

One day, perhaps when ISIS is defeated and the Middle East has become a safer place again, they can return home.